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Tea Time With Taylor

November 15, 2019

Tea Time With Taylor brings together the calming activity of enjoying a cup of tea with the ominous tone of the original poem Shattered, written and recorded for this festival. While there was no set theme for the 2019 La Trobe FESTIVAL, many submissions chose to focus on mental health and well-being, and Shattered aims to illicit a response to a deteriorating state of mental health within the listener. A key focus for the artist, Taylor Manton, was to juxtapose the calm with the ominous.

Tea Time With Taylor: Project
Tea Time With Taylor: Image

To experience the piece, follow these instructions:

  1. Make a cup of tea. Boil the water in the kettle and use as many tea bags and as much tea as you like. Use your own judgment for the water to milk ratio. You may, if you wish, decide to eat one or two biscuits while experiencing the artwork.

  2. Once you have made your cup of tea, place headphones over your ears and press the play button on the web page to play the audio file.

  3. Enjoy your cup of tea and biscuits while listening to the poem.

If you would like to revisit the work at a later date or recommend the work to someone unable to attend the festival on Bendigo campus, you can experience it at home whenever you like, simply return to the website.

Tea Time With Taylor: Text
Tea Time With Taylor: Music
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